Change: grounding by a memory

During this year, there has been a lot of change for us as humans and as a society. Change is okay sometimes as it helps us grow and maybe even see things from other perspectives, but for us, it is a hard concept to get a hold of. We don’t like it and we definitely have a hard time adjusting to the concept. Well, at least I do. one thing I have done this year is helped myself, by thinking about what hasn’t changed and taking comfort in that. 

definition: the act or instance of making or becoming different.

A good way to do that is looking back on childhood memories. While alot differs from childhood to adulthood, there may be few things, traditions, or ideas that don’t. Looking back, I came to notice how my father has not altered his day to day wardrobe. Everyday when I wake, I come down and see him in a T-shirt with a hockey team on it and jeans. While this is a minor facet of my day to day life, it reminds me that there can be some constant within it. 

Can you think of a constant in your life that has kept you grounded?

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