The heart of the cards

It’s a new year and with that I’ve seen many pictures of hope that Covid will just suddenly disappear now that a vaccine is in distribution phases. However, I know that is not the case. Instead I found a new way to possibly find some peace or at least comfort and emotional stability in these trying times.

Back in early 2020, I followed an artist by the name of arisa_chibara on Instagram. She produced a full tarot deck featuring the characters of the Sailor Moon anime. She released a set of images before I backed the the production that I really connected with. On New Years Eve, I finally received my full 78 card deck consisting of both the major and minor arcana. The deck has characters from the anime, manga and even the musicals. However, if you are just starting tarot you want to choose a deck you connect with. Many resources recommend the Rider-Waite Smith deck or Everyday Tarot. For me, I never thought of embracing Tarot until I received my deck. When I opened the packaging and saw the rose gold box and went through each of the 78 cards, I discovered a sense of connection to them. Because of this, I made a decision to learn tarot.

Tarot is an ancient and mystical way to use our intuition to tell fortune. In modern day use, it is used as a self healing tool. I do have a few crystals on the way, but I have found there are ways to use tarot without ever touching incense or oils or any kind. This is helpful for me since I am sensitive to those kind of smells. It is not necessary to have the crystals either, but after receiving a moonstone from a friend about two years ago, I find it helpful when I have high anxiety. According to several sources, crystals are also one good way to cleanse your deck and space.

I am not a witch or wiccan and believe you can speak to the dead, but I started learning tarot on the first of this year and after today’s reading, I find it helpful in learning things about myself, mental state, and I believe it may help me on my life journey and better myself mentally and physically.

Stay Well,


Life through Pokemon…

Some people sit down and look through photos remembering times of their childhood.  I watch this Pokemon AMV created using various clips from commercials, games, and   anime to remember my own.

So In honor of Ultra Sun/Moon releasing this November, enjoy this AMV created by Nekokitkat25hug on Youtube.


I’ve played Pokemon since Red and Blue were released for Gameboy in the USA.   I really enjoy playing the games.  The Pokemon and stories keep me playing.


Take Care.

~Siren Cay